What is the Best Test To Diagnose Your Herniated Disc?

What is the Best Test To Diagnose Your Herniated Disc?

What is the Best Test for Diagnosing Herniated Disc?

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What is the best test for diagnosing a herniated disc in the neck? How is a slipped disc diagnosis made? How do you find out if you have a herniated cervical disc? The most sensitive test to confirm the presence of a herniated disc is an MRI of your neck. Although other tests may be ordered by your doctor such as CT scan, x-ray and myelogram, it is the MRI that is most often the preferred study when symptoms of herniated cervical disc (neck pain with arm pain, numbness, tingling and weakness) do not resolve on their own within six weeks. The MRI will show the disc, the nerves and the spinal cord. CT/Myelogram is not usually a first line study. X-Ray of the neck will show the vertebral bones and spaces for the discs but an actual herniation cannot be seen with x-ray. In this video, Dr. Seth Neubardt, orthopedic spinal specialist, explains the various tests that are available for a slipped disc diagnosis and informs you of the best test to get to see the herniation in the cervical spine. If you have questions or would like to schedule an appointment for diagnosing a herniated disc in the neck, contact us.