Mackenzie Directional Preference

McKenzie Exercises For Cervical Herniated Disc Treatment

Do McKenzie Exercises For Cervical Herniated Disc Help?

What are the best non-surgical ways to treat a slipped disc? Try McKenzie exercises for cervical herniated disc treatment as an alternative to surgery. McKenzie Therapy is a specific type of physical therapy that may be used to treat a cervical herniated disc. It is a non-surgical treatment done by a therapist who has received specialized training in this technique. Small movements of the neck, including gentle exercises, allow the patient to centralize the pain and reduce symptoms over time. Certified McKenzie therapist Hema Bellam Ramraj explains this treatment. The bottom line is that McKenzie exercises are a relatively safe non-surgical treatment that may provide benefit for patients suffering from pain, numbness and tingling associated with a cervical herniated disc.

Learn more about physical therapy for a cervical herniated disc.